
Uber Cadence workflow orchestrator engine

We started looking at workflow engines for orchestrating our business processes and explored Uber Cadence. Overview | Cadence Cadence is a distributed, scalable, durable, and highly available orchestration engine developed at Uber Engineering to execute both asynchronous and synchronous jobs in a scalable and resilient way. Cadence supports both long-running as well as very short tasks. It internally manages Database + Queue + Timers. Things we liked about Uber Cadence : - Fault tolerance : It is a distributed workflow engine. ( Deployment Topology ) - Resume in case of failure : Yes, it can rerun a failed workflow from the failing point without losing the achieved progress (history). - Stateless : It is stateless as it internally uses DB to save state and uses Queue to distribute tasks - Auditing : It maintains audit logs in terms of execution history - Queue and DB : It self manages both Queue and Casandra DB. - UI : It does give a U